We have collected several videos about Ruba Rombic glassware. The PBS videos load slowly, so please wait a bit for them to come up.
COMING SOON - Preview night at the Ruba Rombic at Moderne Exhibit & Sale
The exhibition and sale at Bob Aibel's Moderne Gallery in Philadelphia was groundbreaking. I allowed Bob to reproduce the original trade journal ads that introduced Ruba Rombic in 1928 and I attend the preview. The video and commentary are from my visit and the notes I made.
COMING SOON after I complete the video editting.
Visit to the Kirkland Museum in Denver, March 29, 2010
This shows a 20 minute previes. Forward to the end with the small green slider at the bottom after it starts playing. It will then ask you if you want to watch more and if you click that it takes you to the PBS website where the full hour video starts at the beginning! Again after it starts playing, use the little green slider at the bottom to forward to 21:15 to see the purtion filmed at the Kirkland Museum. After it plays the Kirkland Museum portion, you can stop the video and hit your browser's back button to return here.
Appraisal of Smoky Topaz decanter set in Pittsburgh, August 13, 2011
Kathleen Bailey appraiser, valued the Smoky Topaz whiskey decanter set at $9,000 to $10,000 for insurance purposes.
From the Super Collectors TV series
VIDEO on Erick from Decodence in San Francisco goes HERE after video editting is done.